Your AudioBook Journey
Whether you have a business book series you need to release in quick succession, or need more time developing a great companion to your first book, BizBook Pro is available with a 3 or 6 month turnaround from anywhere in the world – provided you have a strong internet connection, your own USB microphone and a quiet place to record the narration of your book. BizBook Pro 2.0 is designed for independent authors who value the addition of an audiobook to their expert assets. As a result you keep all copyright of the final product and any marketing assets we create for you.
If you’re relatively tech savvy but would like the reassurance of running through a quick course to make sure your content is ACX (Audible’s back-end) compliant, WhisperSync compliant, as well as primed for any repurposing content you should choose to run in the future; BizBook as a stand alone course is your best fit!
New for the 2022 Q4 season is BizBook Edit. If you’ve mastered recording your book at home but need that super slick ACX polish to make sure your files are compliant to a high quality that will NOT make you cringe when you listen back in a few year’s time, BizBook Edit is your safest option. Not quite the full BBP experience, you will have access to one of our ACX audio editors who will take your audio chapters and clean the overall quality for you in a quick turnaround.
If any of these options don’t quite tick the boxes you need for your audiobook asset, contact us with your specific questions around producing your audiobook and we’ll figure out the best options for your going forward.